AboutWho we are
The United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTFO) is the centre of expertise in pooled funding. Established 2004, we are the only United Nations entity dedicated to the design and administration of multi-stakeholder pooled financing instruments, supporting the launch of over 150 pooled funds across the entire humanitarian-development-peace spectrum.
In highlighting a new generation of SDG and humanitarian action partnerships, we have managed over 200 trust funds, received over $19 billion US dollars in deposits, and invested in programmes overseen by more than 50 participating United Nations organizations.

As the UN center of expertise on pooled financing, the MPTF Office is a system-wide asset hosted by UNDP. We support UN organizations and partners in making fast and efficient financing-to-operations progress: Two elements central to SDG achievement.
The only office dedicated to interagency pooled funds, we provide comprehensive administration tools and services throughout the cycle of a pooled fund. Whether it is in the planning, design, management, operational or financial closure stage, innovation is at the core of all our operations. This way, we can keep up with the demands and opportunities linked to pooled funds according to context.
We fully align our work with the SDGs, 2030 Agenda, and United Nations system-wide reform with a broad portfolio of pooled financing instruments that address humanitarian, transition, development, and environmental challenges. Over the years, we have become a reliable partner to donors, United Nations organizations, national governments, NGOs, international finance institutions, and the private sector.
“The MPTF Office is [...] highly regarded by donors and participating organizations for its strong fund design and administration capability, ‘best practices’, [...] and the standards for other organizations providing administrative agent services. It is recognized [...] as the preferred choice for administrative agent.”
- Independent Evaluation on pooled funding
Supported by a diverse and professional team of financing, programme, policy, communication, and partnership professionals, we draw on their experience from the United Nations Development System, civil society, and private sector.
Thanks to its self-financed structure, the MPTF Office serves as an independent and fire walled provider of pooled financing for the United nations and its partners
What we do

The MPTF Office manages an integrated service platform that, aside from core administrative functions, provides complementary services to users like data analytics, research administration, and knowledge management.
Fund design involves providing guidance at the initial stage of a fund and supporting the preparation of concept notes and terms of reference (ToR) documentation. Considerations at this stage comprise translating fund objectives and a theory of change into a results matrix, as well as detailing financial viability, innovative sources of financing, and governance arrangements. We have embedded a quality assurance mechanism in our design services, along with features for negotiation and finalization of fund legal agreements and structures.
Fund administration covers the receipt and deposit of financial contributions from donors, as well as treasury and investment management, disbursement of funds, production of annual and certified financial reports, and the timely closure of projects and funds. A core component of MPTF Office services is the management of Gateway and other specialized information communication technology systems that provide real-time financial data and programme information.
Secretariats receive support through technical backing during design, launch, and operationalization phases of new funds—all of which are critical for success. The MPTF Office offers guidance, tools, and templates to established secretariats and, for a few flagship initiatives, like Spotlight Initiative and the Joint SDG Fund, the MPTF Office hosts the secretariat and management units.
Data analytics on United Nations financing are in demand and the MPTF Office provides a thorough analysis of data realted to investments and financing instruments. We also engage partners across the UN system, supporting common data standards to promote transparency and track pooled contributions.
Knowledge services cover R&D, analysis, management, and the dissemination of best practices on United Nations pooled funding.
How we work
Our core principles cut across all MPTF Office work, allowing us to provide the highest trust fund management standards to our partners at lower costs.

Efficiency in business processes means investments reach their destination quickly with low transaction rates. Business efficiency and cost-effectiveness are our hallmarks, and by implementing cost-efficient measures the MPTF Office avoids cross-subsidization from other resources. Our administration services are more affordable than direct implementation, resulting in the delivery of efficient services and financing to those who need it most thanks to the standardization of agreements, adherence to UNSDG guidelines, and smooth operation of financial and narrative reporting systems.
Accountability requires robust transparency standards, which is why the MPTF Office publishes all available financial information in real-time on Gateway. Mutual accountability amongst stakeholders and solid governance arrangements are central to each fund. All reported investments follow IATI and OECD/DAC standards and we align MPTF Office Gateway accountability practices with new UN financial data standards.

Innovation takes on different forms across MPTF Office services. We ensure top quality fund design and flexibility when adapting to the changing nature of SDG partnerships or attracting and handling private capital (blended finance, bonds, and other financial instruments).
All MPTF Office functions have a client-oriented approach as our staff work closely with partners to provide solutions for an array of humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding contexts.