MPTF OfficeWhat we do

The MPTF Office manages an integrated service platform that, aside from core administrative functions, provides complementary services to users like data analytics, research administration, and knowledge management.
Fund design involves providing guidance at the initial stage of a fund and supporting the preparation of concept notes and terms of reference (ToR) documentation. Considerations at this stage comprise translating fund objectives and a theory of change into a results matrix, as well as detailing financial viability, innovative sources of financing, and governance arrangements. We have embedded a quality assurance mechanism in our design services, along with features for negotiation and finalization of fund legal agreements and structures.
Fund administration covers the receipt and deposit of financial contributions from donors, as well as treasury and investment management, disbursement of funds, production of annual and certified financial reports, and the timely closure of projects and funds. A core component of MPTF Office services is the management of Gateway and other specialized information communication technology systems that provide real-time financial data and programme information.
Secretariats receive support through technical backing during design, launch, and operationalization phases of new funds—all of which are critical for success. The MPTF Office offers guidance, tools, and templates to established secretariats and, for a few flagship initiatives, like Spotlight Initiative and the Joint SDG Fund, the MPTF Office hosts the secretariat and management units.
Data analytics on United Nations financing are in demand and the MPTF Office provides a thorough analysis of data realted to investments and financing instruments. We also engage partners across the UN system, supporting common data standards to promote transparency and track pooled contributions.
Knowledge services cover R&D, analysis, management, and the dissemination of best practices on United Nations pooled funding.