New York - In consultation with Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC), the United Nations Organizations have established the Libya Recovery Trust Fund (LRTF) to support Libya’s recovery efforts and longer term development activities in the aftermath of the conflict. Read full story...
After protest broke out in several areas of Libya in February 2011, the Qadaffi Government (in power for more than 42 years) resorted to massive violence against Libyan civilians. As a response, on 26 February the United Nations (UN) Security Council passed Resolution 1970 imposing sanctions on the regime and on 17 March passed Resolution 1973 calling for a no-fly zone to deter the bombardment of civilians. In May UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki Moon appointed a Special Advisor in charge of coordination for post-conflict planning for Libya. As the situation changed rapidly on the ground, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2009 which established a United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).
During side events to the 66th UN General Assembly, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and head of UNSMIL, Mr. Ian Martin, officially presented the Libya Recovery Trust Fund (LRTF) to the international community. The Terms of Reference (TOR) of the Trust Fund was subsequently finalized on the basis of wide consultation.
The LRTF is anchored on the UN Security Council Resolutions 1970, 1973 and 2009, and is coherent with the principles of national ownership, speed of response and rapid delivery assistance. The LRTF is established to support Libya’s recovery efforts and longer term development activities by enhancing the work of the UN and non-UN entities that may benefit from funding and hence to improve aid effectiveness and ownership by Libyan authorities.
In particular, the LRTF will support the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya, in its transition plans in the aftermath of the conflict, with UN participation in the implementation of priority sectors that will be identified in the Libya Coordinated Needs Assessment (LCNA).
All programmes/projects funded by the LRTF will be in support of, and strictly aligned with, the NTC priority sectors, ensuring national ownership. This Trust Fund will complement other recovery and related support efforts that will be provided to Libya by its various development partners and will bring strategic value in developing capacity and promoting sustainability. The LRTF will enhance UN coherence, transparency and accountability towards Libyan authorities, citizens and Libya’s development partners.
The governance structure of the LRTF consists of a Policy Board responsible for strategic Fund guidance, oversight and related issues, and a Steering Committee responsible for programme/project approval and fund allocation, both assisted by a LRTF Technical Secretariat.
The LRTF is administered by UNDP through its Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office) on behalf of the Participating UN Organizations, as agreed with the National Transitional Council. Following the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by several UN Agencies, the LRTF is ready to receive contributions through the signature of the Standard Administrative Arrangement (SAA).
Full information about the LRTF including its assistance strategy, governance, decisions making and its key documents such as the LRTF TOR, MOU and SAA are available on the LRTF webpage at http://mdtf.undp.org/factsheet/fund/LBY00