Economic Empowerment of Rural Women 

OverviewEconomic Empowerment of Rural Women

A global initiative, the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women MPTF aims to accelerate progress towards securing the livelihoods, rights and resilience of rural women by building on the comparative advantages of partners to improve socioeconomic opportunities for women in rural areas. Initiatives help rural women enhance food security status, leadership opportunities, community participation, access to social protection, legal, and economic services, and boosting their productive potential.

OverviewKey results

OverviewKey financial figures


The work of the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women are possible thanks to the generous contributions by public and private sector partners

ContributorsMulti-stakeholder partnerships

The work of the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women is possible thanks to the efforts of . These resources are pooled and channelled to participating organizations to promote joint action and multi-stakeholder partnerships, making a difference on the ground.

OverviewPartner organizations receiving funding

OverviewSDG Contribution
